To make a reservation at Casas de la Seda please fill out the form below. Upon receipt of your request we will confirm rates and availability after which you can confirm your reservation with a 25% payment.

How can I make a reservation?
Send your request through our reservation form and indicate the period of your stay. You will receive additional information on rates and availability through email.
When will my reservation be confirmed?
Upon receipt of your first payment your reservation will be confirmed
When do I need to pay?
To confirm your reservation you will have to make a payment of 20% of the total amount due within 3 days after our confirmation of availability. As soon as we receive your payment your reservation will be confirmed. We expect the remaining payment at least four weeks before your arrival at Casas de la Seda.
What are my payment options?
In the response to your initial request, you will receive detailed information on payment options.
How can I cancel my reservation?
If you need to cancel your reservation please contact us by phone